Freitag, 8. März 2013

Bogota - Changing host with my last money

As we arrive back in Bogota, I get to Juan's place with one of the other couchsurfers staying there. He's out though, so the maid lets us in.
I am supposed to move over to my 2nd couchsurfing host, Freek, a young Dutch guy who has travelled  Central and South America and got stuck in Bogota in the end, living in a shared apartment with 10 other foreigners and locals there now.
Since Juan won't be home until later that evening, I have to leave without being able to say goodbye in person again, and hit the road.
I'm glad another girl, that stayed there and is going to dinner now, is joining me because it is already dark outside and I don't know my way around yet.
She is a little late though, so I still end up next to the road by myself, trying to wave a taxi over.
But I am lucky, there is one stopping next to me almost instantly. It is an authorized one, too, which doesn't keep the driver from circling the same block for at least 5 times anyways.
I am starting to get a little a worried again as I realize I am totally dependent on that driver and where he drops me off again because I have no clue where to go to if I end up at the wrong place. Also, the money for that cab is the last one I got since my credit card still isn't working and it is too late now anywys to withdraw money, in the dark. And that driver doesn't seem to have a clue where the adress I gave him is.
Suddenly he stops in a dark side alley with some even darker looking night clubs and bars. Is this where I am supposed to get out?!?! Oh hell NO!!!
The driver is looking at me, keeping on repeating "aqui, aqui!". I am thinking yeah sure, I see we stopped here but if you think I am just getting out here all by myself, you are badly mistaken!!
I think about what to do now and come to the conclusion that this definitely qualifies as a situation where it is worth paying a ridiculous amount of money for calling a Colombian cell phone from the German phone that I still carry around with me for emergencies.
So I call Freek and ask him to come down to make sure I'm at the right place.
A minute later he picks me up from the cab, 5 minutes later all my stuff is parked next to an extra matress in his room and 10 minutes later I am already walking through the neon/lighted dark of Bogota center with him, to still get a late dinner.
And you won't believe it, but, despite the late time and the environment, I haven't felt safer since I got there! Amazing, what a difference the company of someone makes that already knows his way around really well!

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